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We're Launching February, 2024. Don't miss out, sign up now!

FutureProof Terrain

is now


  • Beautiful, unique, high-resolution paint schemes
  • Infinite unique battlefields
  • Half the price of major competitors 
  • Sturdy, precision-molded plastic

Think LEGO, but for  Wargaming!


Unmatched Convenience: Sturdy, Push-Fit, Injection-Molded Plastic

Push-fit, LEGO-like components make assembly simple and intuitive, no instructions necessary!

And when the battle’s over, FutureProof Terrain breaks down quickly and easily–so storage and transport are a breeze!

What's in a Full Table Set?

A lot. Like, a LOT a lot. A Full Table Set is 500 components!

Games Workshop layouts are DENSE, so you need a lot of terrain- we've got you covered! A Full Table Set means just that, enough for an entire 60x44" game board!

Unleash Your Creativity: Endless Terrain Possibilities 

Modular, interchangeable parts mean that you are only limited by your creativity. Construct unique, cinematic battlefields on the fly–from one-man barricades to 10-story mega-fortresses!

For competitive players, it’s the perfect tool for tournament practice. FutureProof Terrain can be assembled to match all of the major tournament layouts (with one Full Table Set)!

Cost Efficient:  Half the Price, Double the Value

Games-Workshop terrain costs over TWICE as much as a set of FutureProof Terrain, with NONE of the benefits. 

Modularity means never having to update or upgrade–FutureProof Terrain is the last terrain set you’ll ever need!

Designed for Gaming: What You See Is What You Get

Other terrain sets can have impractical designs, like ambiguous footprints and excessive small gaps– this can lead to disagreements.

FutureProof Terrain is practical and precise, designed with gaming in mind. This means no more guess-work and no more rules disputes!


Template Pack Reward/Add-On Available!

High Quality Plastic

Templates Pack Add-On includes:

  1. SIX 12x6" Ruins Templates
  2. TWO 6x9" Ruins Templates
  3. FOUR 4x6" Ruins Templates
  4. SIX Numbered Objective Control Templates

Covers a Full Table

Designed to faithfully recreate all of Games Workshop's GT mission layouts!

High Resolution

Beautifully printed artwork that matches your FutureProof terrain--and doesn't obscure your immersive (and expensive!) battle mats!

FutureProof Your Terrain! Get An Exclusive Discount

We're Launching Soon. Get an exclusive discount by signing up now!

FutureProof Terrain


 Snot Goblin Gaming

82 Wendell Ave, suit 100

Pittsfield, MA 01201


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